Friday, March 16, 2012

Michelle: I 'Met' a Scientist and Ate Pierogi. Oh, Krakow, how I love you!

I can describe my whole time in Krakow using many adjectives and descriptive words, but I think pictures do the describing better than I ever could. One thing that I do have to describe perfectly is that I met my scientist, Copernicus. His lab is in Krakow and there was a statue of him. I am a little bit of a fan-girl, if you get my drift. I mean, come on. He put the sun in its place. You have to love him. 

Well, we are adorable although... he looks a bit pale.
Sadly, this has to be a short post because we got back from Krakow pretty late, and we have to get up really early tomorrow for our flight. However, I just had to express my excitement for this beautiful town. It was truly a great experience filled with so much history. Stories around every corner. Poland as a whole is filled with SO many stories and I want to learn them all. I tried to absorb all that is Krakow, and I hope I can show you at least a glimpse of what I saw.

Quiet shot of St. Mary's Church in the Market Square of Krakow.  Maybe not so quiet; every hour a trumpet player plays in the top window of the church.
Inside of the Market, full of interesting shops.
"The Girls", Chelsea, Kelsey, and Michelle - Yes, our names together sound like a movie title.
Entrance to a gorgeous cathedral in the castle Wawel.
Oh look, here was the Polish food I was looking forward to all along since my first blog post!
Dobranoc everyone, sweet dreams! For all of you in the States, see you tomorrow.


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