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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Poland DAY 1!

Jewish Cemetery
Day 1: The Poland 2015 Class is pulling an all-nighter. Most of us have been up since Friday, March 13th at 7am. The plane ride was exhausting. We took an 8hour plane ride to Berlin, Germany and an hour and a half ride from Germany to Krakow, Poland. Of course with my bad luck, I was having heat flashes and throwing up. I have never experienced motion-sickness on a plane until now. The worse experience ever! The flight attendant told me I looked “white as a ghost.” Nothing was more embarrassing than the fact that I had to be laid on my back on the floor with my legs held up in the air. My legs had lost circulation from sitting on the plane so long. Barely got any sleep. My poor seat mate Tristy, had to put up with me. I felt so bad. She switched seats with me and helped me get comfortable in the seat. She is such a sweetheart. And with that I am happy to say I have gotten to know a lot of my classmates more after today. I am trying my best to break out of my shell, I know since day one of class, I did not really allow myself to know anyone. Which I regret, but I am happy to be able to get to know everyone now. Everyone is kind, smart and funny. I know after this trip I may not be able to become close friends with all of them, but for the time being I can enjoy the company.

       The picture you see above, is from the Jewish Cemetery. Seeing all these graves, especially with gloomy weather had a real impact on all of us in a different way. Some reactions were more emotional than others. But we are all here to support one another and I think after today’s reflection lecture, we know that. Overall, today was lots of fun and exhausting. We all cannot wait for the best sleep of our lives tonight.  I have two roommates, Rachel and Patricia. Their so funny, I never thought twice of having anything in common with them honestly. Can’t wait for the many adventures to come this week(:     

By: Jordan Galindo

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