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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Excited for Poland!

Hi guys! As you all know from our various introductions, I am Grace Watters and I am a biochemistry major and a freshman. I am so excited to go to Poland with all of you and to experience the city of oswieciem! I first decided to take this class when I heard about it from upperclassman who had previously took the class and told me about how AMAZING this trip really was and how transformative and life changing it was. They told me it was spectacularly different from other courses at Iona and was definitely worth taking. So, after hearing abut the many adventures that they went on, I decided to talk to Dr. Procario-Foley about the trip and was so excited and honored when I learned I could go. After learning about the Shoah from movies, literature, history and various other sources, I expect it will be very different as a first hand experience. -Grace Watters


  1. Hi Grace ! I am so happy to be reading your blog and will continue to follow your adventure for the next week. Have a wonderful time! I am so lucky to have a mentee so open to the world and the experiences that it has to behold. Make sure everyone puts their name on their posts so I can know who is writing everything! I'm so excited to follow you guys (sounds creepy I know). Have a wonderful and blessed time! Michelle
