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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Plane ride to Poland

As I watch New York go by in my window, I can't hold back my excitement but also anxiety for Poland! I am very excited to be traveling to Europe and to actually see these sights that we have been talking about but I'm also nervous because I don't know exactly what to expect. It's kind of crazy how fast Spring break came up and I can't believe I am on my way to Poland! I don't it has really hit me that I'm on my way to Poland and even as I was packing at 3 am last night, as I expect most of us were, I didn't really realize or think about where I am going and all that I am going to learn, see and experience. I've only ever read or heard of these stories and flights so I am expecting it to be a very powerful, profound and heart wrenching experience. I think it's so different when you go and see these places and meet the people because it's more personal and it's not just a story or a number on a page. It's like how Dr. ProcarioFoley was saying that you have to look at the Shoah as this happening to one person 6 million times to really even be able to grasp its enormity and even that's not enough so I think it will make it easier for all of us to truly understand it when we go there. When we went to the Defiant Requiem and met that holocaust survivor, it really hit me how terrible, recent and personal this really was so I expect this to be a very eye opening and shocking journey that I look forward to making with all of you!-Grace Watters

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